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1998-1999 * European Parliament - STOA - scientific and technological options assessment

  • 1999 10 * Development of surveillance technology and risk of abuse of economic information

* Vol.1/5 * Peggy BECKER
    1) Presentation of the four studies
    2) Analysis: Data protection and human rights in the European Union and the role of the European Parliament.
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* Vol.2/5
    Interception Capabilities 2000
* Vol.3/5 * Franck LEPREVOST
    Encryption and cryptosystems in electronic surveillance: a survey of the technology assessment issues
* Vol.4/5 * Chris ELLIOT
    The legality of the interception of electronic communications: a concise survey of the principal legal issues and instruments under international, European and national law
* Vol.5/5 * Nikos BOGOLIKOS
    The perception of economic risks arising from the potential vulnerability of electronic commercial media to interception